Thank you to everyone who joined this Intentional Hiking event to learn about the Philosophy of Ultralight from Gossamer Gear founder Glen Van Peski. Glen's new book, Take Less. Do More. is out April 16
Watch the recording here:
Other notes from the event:
You raised $100 for the Pacific Crest Trail through your generosity during the event registration. Thank you!
Learn more:
About Glen Van Peski
About Gossamer Gear
Order his new book
Thank you to our Gear Giveaway sponsor Gossamer Gear!
The intro song to this event was Sandusky by Uncle Tupelo
Share your actions by using #intentionalhiking on your social media posts of things you want to do or things you did as a result of hiking with intention.
Are you a new or cottage industry gear or hiking brand? Learn more about our giveaway sponsorships by emailing Renee.